Wealth4All/Primus Hub Dec 3 Update - Get paid for your existing Ad Units!

Here’s the latest news I've read and heard from:
Here is what you need to do IF YOU WANT TO GET PAID A SHARE FOR YOUR W4A Advertising Units: Log in at http://primussocial.com/darquoy
(if you haven't joined yet, to have your Wealth4All account transferred over, join here: http://join.primushub.com/darquoy

If you don't remember your password, use the "forgot password" function. Find the UPGRADE or PAY NOW link/button (it is in a few places, look at the top menu bar for one (at the very tip top of the page)).
You will need to fund your ipayout account first with $13 (and change for fees) or you can pay with a credit card.

They have also allowed you to pay from your wealth4all ipayout account to your Primus Hub iPayout account or you can use STP. You probably don't even remember you opened an ipayout for Primus, right? But it was done when you joined PrimusHub so look for an email or go here and log in with your same username and password as Primus and/or w4a: https://primushub.globalewallet.com
The back office of Primus is not really set up in an organized fashion yet, although it looks like it has lots of bells and whistles, I had to work at it trying to figure out how to fund and upgrade, so let me know if you get stuck.

Of course, the question is, do you want to pay more into this or just let it go? Well, that is of course a personal decision. But you need to decide and get it done by Dec 15th. If you upgrade to Golden, you will take part in a profit share for the AUs you still have at W4A... how much? Who knows? But like I said, it is up to you if you want to qualify for it or wait and see and upgrade later if the payout is a good one. I will let you know!

By the way, if you are not getting the updates, white list this address: primusupdate@primussocial.com and also check your spam box. They are sending out updates almost daily, but it needs to be deciphered unless you get on the calls and then hopefully they explain it better than what they are writing in the updates... I guess writing is becoming a lost art in this youtube generation.